— Davi Mello 👋

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As a software engineer with a background in front-end development and a focus on problem-solving, I have built full-stack applications using robust technologies including Java and Spring. I also have experience in developing scalable applications and accessible Design Systems with React, Angular, and TypeScript. I am equipped to tackle complex projects and deliver user-friendly solutions.


Skills & Interests


TypeScript, Java, HTML & SCSS.


Angular & RxJS, React & Redux, Spring Boot & Spring Batch, SQL Server, Node.js, jQuery.


Product development, component & integration testing, and API design.


See all projects on my GitHub account.

BlueShip is a financial industry mobile app developed in Ionic, React, Typescript, NodeJS/Express, and MongoDB. It is an all-in-one learning platform with risk-free investments, including asset track performance for stocks, cryptocurrencies, and ETFs.

Reactive Location API

Reactive Spring API for managing places. Developed with Spring Boot, Spring Webflux, Spring Data + R2DBC.

Garage Door Monitoring

Home Automation app that runs a CRON job using a Lambda function that sends a text message to notify users if the garage door has been opened using AWS CloudWatch Events.


Search for GitHub repos & find recent commits ranked by stargazing count. Technologies used were TypeScript, React, Context API, Styled Components & Axios.

Check app

Full-stack application that keeps track of weekly activities using virtual-like sticky notes. The front-end was built with React, Tailwind CSS, Axios, and hosted on Netlify. The back-end was developed Node.js, Express.js, MySQL, and hosted on Heroku.


E-commerce clothing store built with JavaScript utilizing React, Node.js, Bumbag UI, and PayPal API.

©2025 Davi Mello.All rights reserved.